Monday, November 2, 2009

the men

we are reading the men by lisa robertson for ws. it is so fantastic. i have to memorize one part and i am memorizing this:

there were a thousand and twenty-two stars and fear
and lust moving together like make-up over all the
cities of them, their spines laid back in the seizure of
strangeness. their were burnt-out skies of flat and leaf-
laden nature, teh rough territories of their hands floating
over the surface of our ragged breath and their sadness
built of doubt. whether these ideas are true or false they
are certain. everything i can remember about summer is
the men, portraits, still-lifes, and stiff leaf of the camelia.
the men became what they are like rather than what
they are--

this book is the best book.

i also made a movie. it's too long and isn't that interesting but i was playing around with the movie maker on my computer so one day i can make a movie about the sky.

1 comment:

Relief Map said...

Jen! I'm here at some rabbits via Super Arrow. My favorite part of the Robertson's "ragged breath and their sadness built of doubt." Still in St. Louis for a little while. How's the Denver sky?--Erin B.